Code of Ethics
and Business Conduct
Compliance with laws and regulations
All laws and regulations are complied with in the countries in which we operate. We expect our employees to have an understanding of the policies and rules that apply to their specific roles. We, as TeamLift employees, are responsible for full legal compliance and for speaking up if we have witnessed possible violations.

Trust and Credibility
There is an explicit prohibition on any and all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion or embezzlement. Furthermore, the success of our business is dependent on the trust and confidence we earn from our employees, customers and stakeholders. We gain and maintain trust and credibility by respecting our commitments and demonstrating honesty and integrity in all our daily dealings.

Accepting and Offering Business Courtesies
We may not use our position to obtain business courtesies and we will never ask for them. However, we may accept unsolicited business courtesies which are reasonable in nature, entirely for the purpose of maintaining good business relations and not intended to influence business decisions of our suppliers or customers. Offering business courtesies should also occur sparingly. Employees who offer a business courtesy must assure that it cannot reasonably be interpreted as an attempt to gain an unfair business advantage or otherwise reflect negatively upon our company. Accounting for business courtesies must be done in accordance with company procedures.

Conflict of Interest
We will avoid relationships and activities that might impair our ability to make objective decisions when performing our roles. All and any conflict of interest in business dealings with our customers and suppliers should be declared to our management team as well as the affected entity, allowing them the opportunity to take appropriate action.

Confidential and Proprietary Information
All information provided by our customers that is not in the public domain is deemed confidential and it is only used for its intended and designated purpose. Our customers’ confidential information, know-how and intellectual property is highly respected and safeguarded.

We respect the property right of others, including our customers, suppliers, partners, and competitors. We do not engage in unauthorized use or distribution of others’ intellectual property. All competitor information is obtained and used legitimately and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Respect for our Employees
TeamLift is committed to providing a workplace free of discrimination and any type of abusive or harassing behavior. All employees and contractors are treated with respect and dignity. There is no discrimination in employment, including hiring, compensation, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, age, role, gender, gender identity, color, religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, dependents, disability, social class, union membership or political views is prevented.

Our employees and contractors are provided with employment documents which respect their legal and contractual rights; they are paid fair wages, work reasonable hours and are free to join trade unions. Our employees’ health and safety are protected at work and have access to fair procedure if they feel their rights may have been violated.

Financial Records
All our business and commercial dealings are transparently performed and accurately recorded. We keep financial records in compliance with our company’s policies and guidelines, as well as all applicable regulatory and legal requirements. We will make certain that all financial disclosures are complete and accurate. The obligation applies to all employees and no business goal can ever be an excuse for misrepresenting facts or falsifying records.

Product Quality and Responsible Innovation
Our products and services are delivered to meet the specifications, quality and safety criteria as specified in our contracts. Research and development are conducted responsibly and based on generally accepted scientific, technological and ethical principles.

All our business is conducted in a manner which embraces sustainability and reduces environmental impact.

Compliance with the principles outlined within the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is taken seriously and is a key element in our  success as a business.